Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Escape from Corfu

I have left Corfu. Yes, I am a quitter. In my defense I must say that the woman I worked for was a psycho and every time the hostel had a bad review she would do something ridiculous like blame us for missing money, makes us bleach dirty corners of the rooms, etc. I didn't even get to do any farming. No good. Hence, I've fled to Albania. I spent four days in Saranda, a curious little port city complete with communist-era bunkers, giant piles of garbage and stones, dilapidated skeleton buildings and cows roaming the streets feasting on the tasty trash. The coast was lovely though and I went with some other travelers to see some great ruins of an ancient city ruled at times by the Romans, Byzantines and Ottomans. There were remains of amphitheaters and Roman mosaics next to the bottoms of Byzantine columns and Ottoman mosques. Quite intriguing, really.

Now I am in Berat, Albania, which is about 170 km away but 6 hours by bus due to the poor road conditions. I will stay here for another day or so and then head to Macedonia to check out a giant lake that sounds pretty before making my way to Turkey. I have found a yoga/art camp on the Aegean coast where I can work for a couple weeks in August. Only a month or so left until I am home!


  1. When you come home you must visit me...I know what it is like to work for a psycho...and I miss you!

  2. exercising self-preservation does not count as quitting.

  3. Miss you too! and thanks Bev! :)
